Browse records within Closed e-petitions Average Speed Camera or Speed Bumps on Station Road, Marston Moreteyne 20 MPH Speed Limit in Bedford Road Northill for the safety of Northill CE Academy pupils 20mph speed limit around play park on Hatfield Road - Flitwick Access to public transport Ban HGVs taking shortcuts through Potton, Sandy and Biggleswade Change London Road/ Dells Lane, Biggleswade Zebra Crossing for Pelican Crossing Change the lane markings at Church Street Dunstable Chiltern Road Dunstable Pedestrian Crossing request Creation of a 20MPH zone for Clophill village Crossing on Potton Road, Biggleswade Don't let CBC sell the land at Watling House Everton Heath Primary School pedestrian crossing Expand Langford Village Academy Extra parking for residents on Fairlands, Biggleswade Finding a site for allotments for Langford Fix Dunstable Town Centre Traffic Lights Fix Friday Street (near Waitrose) in Leighton Buzzard George Street and Ashton Road parking permits Keep the lane markings as they are at Church Street Dunstable Landscape buffer for Manor Road and Woburn Road, Marston Moretaine Leighton Buzzard High Street Pedestrianisation Make Saxon Drive a safer place for pedestrians and vulnerable road users New Road Crossings and Average Speed Cameras in Cranfield to encourage vehicles to drive within the speed limit No to excessive rise in Permit Parking Charges Pedestrian crossing for Saxon Drive Pedestrianise Leighton Buzzard High Street permanently, with additional improvements Permit Parking for Osprey Road (Bird's Estate) Petition to establish a banking hub in Biggleswade Re-open the road between Lidlington and Marston Moretaine Reintroduce Buses to Leighton Buzzard High Street on Market Days for a Thriving Local Economy! Request to Adopt a Clear Pavement Policy Resident-only parking, Waterlow Road, Dunstable Safe segregated walking and cycling route between Leighton Buzzard and Stanbridge Save Houghton Regis Community Centre Save Leighton Buzzard Garden Centre Save our beech tree, Clifton Road, Dunstable Save Sandye Place from development School crossing on Dunstable Street, Ampthill, MK45 2NJ Speed/Traffic calming measures on Ridgeway Avenue, Dunstable Stop build of industrial units off Theedway LU7 Stop the 40mph increase on Langford Road and have a new crossing by the garden centre The Council should adopt the Pylon Land Open Space and Play Area on Roman Gate Estate, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9RY Traffic calming measures Traffic calming measures and additional parking: School Lane, Southill Traffic Calming measures needed in Warren Lane, Clophill Traffic calming on Ampthill Road, Flitwick Traffic Restrictions on Bedford Road and Thorn Unpause the schools for the future program for Stotfold and Shefford Urgent: Reduce Speed Limit on Maulden Road for Ruxox Nursery Safety Wrestlingworth: 20mph speed limit for Wrestlingworth