e-petitions - 20mph speed limit around play park on Hatfield Road - Flitwick

Introduce a 20mph speed limit around the play ground on Hatfield Road, Flitwick for the safety of the children and families who frequent the area.

Supporting details

There is currently an unenforced 20mph speed limit on Easton Road designed to safeguard the children of Kingsmoor Lower School, however, it has been noted a number of vehicles travelling through Hatfield Road and Easton Road travel at 30mph or more, with little consideration for the children who attend the school and the play park on Hatfield Road. To safeguard the local children and families who frequent Kingsmoor and Hatfield Road play park, we propose the expansion of a 20mph speed limit on Hatfield Road. It is also proposed the 20mph speed limit be enforced by the implementation of speed bumps on Easton Road and Hatfield Road.

Start date

5 June 2024

End date

17 July 2024