Langford and Biggleswade Community Fund Group

Guidance Notes

The Langford / Biggleswade Wind Farm comprises 10, 110m high wind turbines and a substation building.

The turbines have been erected on land to the north of Edworth Road, Langford and south of Biggleswade between the A1 and the East Coast Mainline Railway line.

The wind farm will have a life span of around 25 years after which the site will be returned to its original condition.

A Section 106 Agreement accompanying the planning permission sets out that 'the Owners and or Developer shall pay to the Council the annual Community Fund contribution* within 14 days of the Commencement of Commercial Operations.
*Annual Community Fund Contribution means the sum of £24,000 payable by the Developer.

The Langford and Biggleswade Community Fund Group has been established and is made up of representatives of the following:-

  • Central Bedfordshire Council
  • Langford Parish Council
  • Biggleswade Town Council
  • The Developer (Co-Operative)
  • One Co-opted member

The Community Fund group is supported by officers of Central Bedfordshire Council.

In accordance with the Section 106 Agreement, the Community Fund Group has agreed on criteria to decide what local community projects will receive financial assistance and to what extent such assistance shall be given.

The following guidance is intended to inform those parties interested in applying for financial assistance from the Community Fund Group. An application form can be found at the end of the guidance.

A total contribution of £24,000 per annum (index-linked) has been secured to be spent on local community projects that meet the criteria listed below.

To accord with the terms of the Section 106 agreement, the annual contribution will be paid to Central Bedfordshire Council on the anniversary of the first payment.

Assessment Criteria

Applications will be assessed by members of the Community Fund Group using the following criteria:

  • The need for the project
  • Activity - the project must contribute to one or more of the following criteria
    1. The use of Renewable Energy
    2. Energy conservation
    3. Environmental education
    4. Initiatives to promote greening of communities within the 'parishes'
    5. The application of energy efficiency measures
    6. Community engagement and development
    7. Initiatives to encourage sustainable communities
  • How will the local residents of Langford and Biggleswade benefit?
  • Has the nominee been funded before?
  • Deliverability - what level of certainty is there that the project will go ahead if the Community Fund group commit to providing financial assistance?
  • What assurances are there that the project will be managed and/or maintained?
  • The geographical location (may be taken into account)

Each representative on the group will have one vote when deciding on the outcome of applications. Both Parishes will be required to vote and if representatives of a particular Parish is unable to attend a meeting a proxy vote will be given.

The applicant will be expected to provide timescales by when it expects to spend any contribution agreed. Offers of financial assistance will be on the basis that delivery is within a certain time period.

The agreed contribution will be released on receipt of an invoice and paid to the project lead (this is subject to evidence of invoices received relating to the project delivery etc.)

Successful applicants will also be expected to publicly recognise the source of the contribution received and provide an end of project report to the Fund Group on how the project has performed.


Details of applications approved by the group will be published on Central Bedfordshire Council’s website.