Waste and recycling - Bring banks

Privacy Notice:

Our and our Data Protection Officer’s contact details are at https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/terms.

We use information about you (your ‘personal data’) for waste and recycling collections. If you have a concern or question, please contact us.

What are we doing? Where you notice that a recycling bank needs to be emptied, repaired, the area around it cleaned or requesting it to be removed, we need some information about the location of the bank.

What is the information? You do not need to register. You can give us your contact details if you need a reply or an update.

Where do we keep it? We keep the information on our systems and those of other companies that we hire to create and maintain our forms. These are in the UK and the USA. All of them are certified with Privacy Shield, which means they keep your information safe.

How do we keep your information safe? We have looked into how our partner companies handle and look after information and have examined their practices. We have clear contracts that set out what they can and cannot do with your personal data.

They are certified to ISO27001, which is an independent security standard. This tells us that they use a high standard of security, including passwords and encryption.   

How long do we keep it for? If you are paying for a service, we keep the information for 6 years. If you are not, we keep it for 3 years and in the case of any photographs that contain personally identifiable information, for a few weeks or until the matter is resolved.    

Who do we share it with? We do not share this information with anyone other than the companies that help us provide these services to you. They are only allowed to use it to provide these services.

What is our legal basis for doing this? If you are paying for the service, our legal basis is that we have a contract. If you are not paying, it is a public task in the public interest under the Environmental Protection Act 1990

Your rights

You have the following rights over your personal data:

  1. To see a copy of your data.
  2. To have any incorrect data corrected
  3. To have data erased, but only if it is no longer needed
  4. To ask for it in a portable form, where possible
  5. To object to us processing your data

To make this sort of request, please contact us directly.

You can also raise a concern with the regulator, details of which are at www.ico.org.uk.

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