Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Share the Memory – Grove View Art Project

Monday, 5 September 2022

A successful artist duo has been appointed to work on a public art project for the new Grove View integrated health and care hub. 

A successful artist duo has been appointed to work on a public art project for the new Grove View Integrated Health and Care Hub. 

Commissioned by Art in Site and funded by us, Marcus and Hayley Walters from In House Studio are working on creating a series of exciting new artworks for the Hub which is scheduled to open in Spring 2023. Their artwork will celebrate the character of the beautiful countryside surrounding Dunstable, specifically Dunstable Downs, and they will be looking at all aspects of the landscape, from the expansive views and contours of the landscape to local flowers and wildlife.

We want people who live and work in the area to help shape and inspire the artworks by sharing their own personal memory of Dunstable Downs and the surrounding areas in the form of an image, photos, or written text. Inspiration from the responses will be used by the artists and we are launching month long campaign running throughout September. 

Throughout the whole of September people can visit a unique website and upload either an image, picture or written word which will then be used by the artists as a pool of inspiration to weave into their own style of artwork they create to adorn the public spaces in the Hub.

Councillor Eugene Ghent, our Executive Member for Housing and Assets said:

Artwork has a valuable effect on a space, particularly in health care settings, which is why we have commissioned artists Hayley and Marcus Walters to create unique artworks to adorn the walls in the new Grove View Integrated Health and Care Hub.

Dunstable has a unique landscape, and I would encourage people to share their own memories of the place and I look forward to seeing the results for myself when the Hub opens next year.