Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Avian Influenza

Friday, 29 July 2022

A case of avian influenza (bird flu) has been confirmed near Blunham. The confirmed case is on a private property and isn’t a wild bird.

Avian influenza is a notifiable animal disease that mainly affects birds. There are currently 104 cases of avian influenza in England and enhanced controls are in place around these cases to prevent the spread of the disease. 

In response to the case near Blunham, the Animal and Plant Health Agency has implemented a 3km captive bird monitoring controlled zone (CBMZ) around the infected premises. This means bird owners in the zone will need to house their birds or isolate them. A map is included in the link above along with all of the requirements for bird keepers inside the zone. We will work closely with the Animal and Plant Health Agency to contact residents who have birds in the captive bird monitoring controlled zone.

Outside of the captive bird monitoring zone, there is no requirement to keep all birds housed, they are allowed to range outside, but owners must continue to take effective and precautionary biosecurity measures. These measures are in place across England. 

Avian influenza is a very low risk to humans. Humans can only become infected if they touch an infected bird. That’s why is it vital that anyone who finds a sick or dead bird, must not touch it.

Signage will be in place in the local area warning residents of the case. Further information on the government's website may be helpful to you.