Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Central Bedfordshire Council asks public opinion on engine idling

Friday, 4 March 2022

We have launched an engine idling survey to gather a better understanding of whether residents feel there are problems with vehicles leaving their engines running when stationary.

We recently adopted some legislation that allows them to take enforcement action if drivers leave their engines running when they are stationary.

The law requires us to take a measured approach to any action they take. This means they need to make it clear when, where and why it is a problem.

We would like the public’s help in deciding how they use this legislation effectively. They’d like to hear your views and if there are any problems in your local area.

Generally, air quality in Central Bedfordshire meets government air quality objective levels, although there are currently three air quality management areas (AQMA). These are located in Dunstable town centre, Ampthill town centre and Sandy (next to the A1).

Councillor Ian Dalgarno, Executive Member for Community Services, said:

Air pollution has serious effects on our health and environment. Improving the quality of the air we breathe in Central Bedfordshire is a top priority and one we can all play our part in achieving. I would like to encourage everyone to take a moment to complete the survey, as this will help us to understand the impact of drivers not switching off their engine when stationary, and the locations that may need to be targeted to make improvements.

The survey takes just a few minutes to complete and closes on 30 April 2022.