Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Design Guide survey – residents encouraged to have their say on design principles for new developments

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Residents can help shape the look and feel of new developments in Central Bedfordshire by taking part in a short survey.

We're is updating our Design Guide and would like to know what residents think is important in the design of new developments.

To support our Local Plan, the Design Guide sets out design expectations for new developments such as defining a distinctive character and enhancing qualities of the local area.

The Design Guide is an important tool in determining planning applications as it guides the principles and standards expected of new development.

The existing Design Guide was published in 2014 and will be updated to reflect the latest guidance, evidence, and best practice to ensure it remains relevant. The views of residents are important in this refresh.

The survey runs from Tuesday 1 March to Thursday 31 March 2022.

Once the survey has closed, responses will be analysed and used to inform the updated guidance. The draft Design Guide will then be published for formal public consultation later this year.

Councillor Kevin Collins, our Executive Member for Planning and Regeneration, said:

We place great emphasis on the need for new development to be of the highest possible quality, ensuring what is built in Central Bedfordshire is locally distinctive and provides a lasting legacy. This survey will help ensure the updated design guidance reflects the areas of design that are important to residents and their answers will shape the document before it is consulted on later this year.