Consultation launched on proposed change to Leighton Middle School admissions criteria
Friday, 12 November 2021
We've launched a six-week consultation on a proposed change to the admissions criteria for Leighton Middle School. If approved, the changes will come into effect for the 2023/24 school year.
School places are typically allocated in a particular order of priority. We're asking members of the public to choose between two proposed models: whether to keep the current Leighton Middle School admissions model, or move to the admissions supported model where children who attend two feeder schools (in this case, Pulford CofE Lower School and The Mary Bassett Lower School), are added to its admissions policy.
Find out more and have your say.
Councillor Sue Clark, our Executive Member for Families, Education and Children, said:
Two proposed admissions models are detailed in our consultation document, and we are asking for the public’s thoughts on the model they would like to see adopted by Leighton Middle School.
No other changes are being proposed for community and voluntary controlled schools in the area, so admission arrangements for the academic year 2023/24 will remain the same as last year for these schools. The only change we are consulting on is the change to Leighton Middle School’s criteria.