Tree-mendous news: Garden waste collections to resume in Central Bedfordshire
Thursday, 18 February 2021
We will be recommencing garden waste collections from Monday, 1 March 2021.
With spring just around the corner, we are really pleased to be restarting the garden waste collections. With warmer weather and the opportunity to get out in the garden, it will bring some light relief to get out for some fresh air for a garden spruce up. We are providing residents with further information about their recycling options. This includes ‘what stays in and what stays out’ of their garden waste to help them to continue with their great efforts in supporting recycling within Central Bedfordshire.
Councillor Ian Dalgarno, Executive Member for Community Services, said:
Residents are encouraged to read the tags that are currently making the rounds and being attached to their black bins, it will give them all the information they need to know, including what stays in and what stays out of their garden waste. They’ll be helping their local council as well as the environment by increasing the amount of waste that is recycled and producing compost.
Common contaminants found in garden waste are wood, soil and packaging, these all mean that less garden waste can be turned into nutrient rich compost and not recycled. We would also like to encourage residents to utilise their food waste collections or a great, inexpensive and natural option for residents to process food waste at home is to consider home composting.
Find out more information about kerbside garden waste collections, recycling and disposal options.