We've launched a SEND news email alert service
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
We've launched a new email service for news and information about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Once you've signed up, you'll receive our fortnightly SEND news emails, which will deliver latest news updates, useful resources, advice, guidance and support on education, health and social care SEND services available in Central Bedfordshire.
The SEND news emails will also help to promote our SEND Local Offer web pages, which contain information and resources for families, including support for young people, leisure and recreation groups, clubs and activities; money and benefits advice; and information on education, health and wellbeing and care.
Councillor Sue Clark, our Executive Member for Families, Education and Children, said:
We’re on an improvement journey with our special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) services and we want to ensure that we’re reaching out more effectively to as many families as possible, so they know about the support that is available to them.
We’re listening more to what families have to say and we know that some families aren’t aware of the services and support that they can access, or how to find what they need.
So, we want to make sure that the services available in their community are accessible to the families we are in contact with, while reaching out to the families that we don’t yet know.
We know how busy our residents’ lives are, particularly for those families that have children or young people with SEND. Therefore, I would urge families to sign up for this SEND email service so that we can deliver all the latest information and support straight to their inbox.