Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Give your feedback on the council’s budget

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Central Bedfordshire Council is under huge financial pressure and is having to make some tough financial decisions in the months to come.

As with all local authorities, the council’s finances were already under pressure with high inflation, interest rates, and increasing demand for school transport. On top of this, rising costs for Children's Services and Adult Social Care and substantial increases in demand for such services mean the council’s costs are forecast to be £32million more than its income next year.

Most council services are funded through Council Tax, but even a repeat of the 5 per cent increase approved last year would not bring in enough extra money to pay for the council’s existing services.

The council has set out plans for changing some services to reduce costs further and is asking the public for their views. Among the changes are proposals to reduce the number of staff employed across the council which might mean the council will be slower to respond to some queries. The council is also proposing to introduce a booking system for Household Waste Recycling Centres (tidy tips) which will permit each one to close on the two quietest days of the week. Furthermore, the council is looking at removing safer neighbourhood patrols although it is clear that this will not reduce the number of officers assigned to dealing with anti-social behaviour. The council also proposes to review high-cost home care packages where this exceeds the cost of providing care in a care home.

Councillor Zerny, Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council said:

This budget is about prudent use of public money. The council faces increasing costs. We must cut our cloth accordingly and make tough financial decisions. Although there will be some changes to our services, we will still be spending close to £300 million next year providing a huge range of services. We will still collect your bins, fix the roads, provide libraries and build care homes and schools but some of our other services will be reduced where appropriate. Before the budget is agreed, we want your opinion. Your views matter to us.

You can read more about the council’s budget proposals and have your say online or pick up a paper copy at a council library.

The consultation closes on 4 February 2025.

Elected councillors will consider the feedback before setting a final budget in February 2025.