Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Dunstable store prosecuted for possession of nearly 400 illegal vapes

Thursday, 25 July 2024

A Dunstable shop and two of its directors have been prosecuted for possessing nearly 400 illegal vapes, after an investigation by Central Bedfordshire Council.

In November 2023, we visited Cloud 9 Vapes at 8 Albion Street, Dunstable, prompted by a public report. During the inspection, officers confiscated 396 illicit vaping products.

The case was heard at Luton Magistrates’ Court, where the two directors of Cloud 9 Vapes, Mr Ishaq Faruk and Mr Mohammed Dhanyal Rahman, pleaded guilty to 12 offences: one under Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations, and 11 under Tobacco and Related Products Regulations. 

The two men were found guilty of selling vaping products that did not comply with legal standards. These illicit items not only posed potential health risks to consumers but also broke the law.

Both Mr Faruk and Mr Rahman received 120 hours of unpaid work and were ordered to pay a costs contribution of £1,921, plus a victim surcharge of £114 (total cost to them both of £2,035). The court ordered the vapes to be destroyed.

Councillor Mark Smith, Deputy Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council, said:

Protecting our community's health and wellbeing is of paramount importance. The prosecution of Cloud 9 Vapes sends a clear message: we will not tolerate illegal products that endanger our residents. Selling illegal tobacco or vaping products not only breaks the law but also deceives customers and undermines public trust in legitimate businesses. We remain vigilant in upholding consumer protections and will continue to take decisive action against those who break the law.

We are currently looking for volunteers under the age of 18 to assist our trading standards team with inspections. This would involve going into a store and attempting to purchase a vape without producing identification. The volunteer would need to be available on weekday evenings and be able to visit towns and villages within Central Bedfordshire.

They will not be required to complete test purchases in the town/village they live in. This work is vital to ensure that stores in central Bedfordshire are acting correctly and that children do not purchase age-restricted products. All volunteers need the written permission of their parents or guardians. Travel is arranged and you will receive a certificate which can be used as part of your CV. 

Anyone who would like to volunteer, or anyone concerned that they have been sold counterfeit vapes or nicotine products, should call 0300 300 8302 or email trading.standards@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk. You can also report this online.

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