Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Bakery receives fine and temporary closure order over mice infestation

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

A Bedfordshire bakery was temporarily closed and incurred fines exceeding £2,000 following an investigation that revealed a serious mouse infestation throughout its food storage and production areas.

Gunns Bakery, who has shops in Biggleswade and Sandy and a manufacturing warehouse in Sandy, was found to have a severe mouse infestation in the Sandy manufacturing warehouse premises, leading to contamination of food ingredients, packaging, equipment and surfaces.

In February 2023, Central Bedfordshire Council inspected the premises following a public complaint about a mouse dropping found in a loaf of bread. Environmental Health Officers discovered dead mice, mouse droppings throughout the premises and gnawed food packaging, as well as dirty floors, walls and hand contact points, contaminated containers, work surfaces and food equipment.

Mr Gunns was informed of the complaint and asked about any mouse issues in the unit. He confirmed that the problem had existed for around three weeks. Although he had contacted two pest control companies, only one visited the premises, and no treatment was performed; they only provided advice.

Due to the severity of the infestation, in February 2023 a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice was served on the business and Mr Gunns, resulting in the immediate closure.

The bakery remained closed for over a month and was only allowed to reopen in May 2023 after a pest control company eradicated the mouse infestation and the premises underwent thorough cleaning.

During a subsequent inspection in April 2023, four Hygiene Improvement Notices were served on Mr Gunns.

In May 2024, Mr. Gunns pleaded guilty to seven food safety offences at Luton Magistrates’ Court. Due to the seriousness of the offences, the case was referred to Luton Crown Court for sentencing on 7 June. Mr Gunns was fined £2,100, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £840 and pay a contribution towards costs of £4,900.

Anyone concerned about food that they have purchased from a shop, restaurant, café or a takeaway can report this to us online or by calling 0300 300 8302.

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