Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Retrofit construction courses help build a more sustainable future

Thursday, 16 May 2024

A new training programme has been launched in construction skills that help create a sustainable future by making older homes more energy-efficient in a process called retrofitting.

The tailored training is designed to address the urgent need for skilled professionals in the construction industry and will equip participants with the expertise needed to retrofit homes across Central Bedfordshire, improving energy efficiency and reducing their carbon footprint.

As part of our commitment to a sustainable future, 3 innovative retrofitting training courses, run by The STC Group, have been made possible through the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Whether you are currently unemployed, seeking to bolster your skills, or an employer eager to invest in your workforce’s future, these courses provide a clear pathway to a thriving sustainable career.

The courses include:

  • Level 2 – Understanding Domestic Retrofit (one week)
  • Level 3 – Domestic Retrofit Advice (two weeks)
  • Level 4 – Award in Assessing Domestic Dwellings for Retrofit (three weeks)

Councillor Mary Walsh, Chairman of the Local Partnership Group and Executive Member for Waste and Planning, said:

In tackling the climate crisis, we have the opportunity to create jobs that require specific skills that are currently in short supply. This initiative aims to ensure people have clear pathways to sustainable employment and are equipped with the skills needed to develop a career in the rapidly growing green sector. It will not only support our community into high-quality, well-paid jobs, but also contribute to our net zero sustainability target.

Mark Eighteen, Managing Director at The STC Group, said:

The STC Group are proud and excited to be working with Central Bedfordshire Council in the new delivery of retrofit training programs that will be critical in supporting them towards achieving their net zero targets. The programs are open to all those currently working in the retrofit/construction industry and to those wishing to change career and enter the green construction space.

For more information and to apply call 0345 565 2656, email: info@thestcgroup.co.uk or visit The STC Group website.

The programme has been made possible due to government funding of over £100,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. We have been allocated £3.55 million from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities UKSPF programme which is being delivered alongside their £1.06 million allocation from DEFRA’s Rural England Prosperity Fund.