Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Results show success for action on potholes in Central Bedfordshire

Monday, 13 May 2024

Fewer reports of potholes – and more of them repaired faster – is the good news after we made it a priority to address residents’ pothole concerns.

Our commitment to tackling potholes on major routes, reflected in our latest Strategic Plan, saw substantial investments in preventative treatments and the resurfacing of nearly 65 miles of roads, a 150% increase compared to the previous year.

We repaired 34% more potholes between 1 December 2023 and 31 March 2024 (793 compared to 592 over the same period in 22/23). The increase in the number of repairs came despite a 33% reduction in the number of potholes reported to us in that time.

Work to streamline the pothole reporting process has significantly increased our intervention rate, with 53% of reported issues meeting the criteria for action compared to 37% over the same period in the previous year.

Further good news is that the average time to complete a repair has been reduced to 18.5 days, down from 23.3 days.

Surface dressing has been used as a cost-effective measure to reduce the formation of potholes and minimise the need for full resurfacing later. Over 70 roads across the county were improved using an innovative surface dressing treatment to significantly enhance both appearance and performance, cutting down on loose chippings and extending the life of road surfaces.

In line with these efforts, FixMyStreet remains the go-to for people for reporting issues on Central Bedfordshire roads. Enhancements to the system have sped up response times and provided more transparent updates to people reporting repairs.

Councillor Hayley Whitaker, Deputy Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council, said:

This is great news for people using roads in Central Bedfordshire. Pothole repairs will always be needed, but in the last year we have stepped up our efforts to respond to these risks in a timely manner. Easier and more transparent reporting of problems, quicker response times, and more investment in prevention have all been key factors in this success.

Through dedication, innovation, and collaborative effort with our new contractor, we will continue to enhance our highways network, ensuring safer, smoother journeys for our community. We look forward to our continued partnership with Milestone Infrastructure in achieving this goal.