Central Bedfordshire Council news and press releases

Social worker awarded BEM in New Year Honours list

Friday, 12 January 2024

One of our social workers, who previously won two national social work awards, has been awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) in the 2024 New Year Honours list.

Kirstie Baughan has been awarded the BEM, which is given to an individual who has achieved or contributed a very ‘hands-on’ service to the community in a local geographical area. She has previously been honoured for her work at the Social Worker of the Year awards in 2022, winning the Social Worker of the Year and Social Justice Advocate awards.

Kirstie is currently carrying out a research project to consider how we can support young refugees to feel connected to their communities, as well as volunteering with Care4Calais to support refugees and people seeking asylum in the local area.

She is a keen volunteer, having given thousands of hours to other causes throughout Central Bedfordshire and beyond, including teaching IT skills to older people, supporting survivors of domestic abuse, helping with holiday clubs for children with additional needs and volunteering as an independent visitor, supporting children in care.

Of her nomination, Kirstie said:

When I got a letter with ‘His Majesty’s Service’ stamped on the front, I was immediately racking my brain wondering what it could be. You can imagine my surprise when I started reading and realised I was going to be listed in the New Year’s Honours for services to social work.

It was a huge shock, especially as I’ve been lucky enough to know so many social workers who are deserving of this award and whose work deserves to be celebrated. So I want to say a massive thank you to my social work colleagues, and the families that I have been lucky enough to support here at the council and in my voluntary roles, as they have all taught me so much.

Councillor Hayley Whitaker, Executive Member for Families, Education and Children, said:

We’re all extremely proud of Kirstie, and this well-deserved recognition is a testament to her hard work, and her impact on Central Bedfordshire residents. Kirstie’s achievement is an inspiration to us all as we continue to strive for excellence in our mission to keep children safe and well.

Kirstie will be presented with her medal later this year.