Emergency and business continuity planning for schools
We have recently reviewed our guidance document to schools regarding the writing of Emergency and Business Continuity Plans. Managing Emergencies in Schools (PDF 1MB) provides comprehensive advice to schools engaged in the process of planning for emergencies. Section 4 is particularly useful, as this provides a step-by-step guide for the completion of the Schools Emergency Plan (Word 483KB)
template. This template is in Word format to enable individual schools to create their own specific plans.
It is appreciated that many schools already have robust plans in place to enable them to cope more readily with a variety of emergency situations. These schools may wish to consider some of the resources in this section when their plans are next reviewed.
A number of related and editable resources are available below. These are to support schools in the provision of staff training and exercising, a full description of which can be found in the guidance document.
Please download the Word and Powerpoint documents below:
- Grab Bag Demonstration
- Site tour
- General Awareness Training
- SEMT Training
- Coach Crash Table Top Exercise (Word 67KB)
- Severe Weather Table Top Exercise (Word 67.5KB)
- Smoke Plume Table Top Exercise (Word 66KB)
- Food Poisoning Table Top Exercise (Word 64KB)
- Exercise Planning Document (Word 180KB)
- Emergency Plan Template for Schools (Word 677KB)
- Emergency Workflow Wallchart (PDF 45.2KB)
- Receipt of Bomb Threat (Word 56KB)
- Notification of Incident Form (Word 56KB)