Educational psychology for schools

When might an educational psychologist (EP) become involved?

A school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo) may feel that they would benefit from support and consultation around broader SEND issues within their educational setting. This may include how they use assessments, how to plan, implement and deliver effective provision and how to identify and support staff training needs.

An educational psychologist may also be asked to provide support regarding a child or young person at pre-school, school or college when they are believed to experience difficulties in relation to:

  • their progress and learning
  • expressing themselves and/or understanding what other people say to them
  • making friendships and relating to their peers
  • managing their feelings and behaviours
  • physical, sensory or health needs which are believed to be impacting their development and education

When will an educational psychologist become involved with a child or young person?

Coordinated by the school's SENCo, it's beneficial if at least one cycle of assess-plan-do-review of a child or young person's needs is undertaken before educational psychologist involvement is requested (as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and our graduated response). This will usually include using a SEND Support Plan. Within Central Bedfordshire, we provide educational psychologist involvement for children and young people who meet any of the following core indicators:

  • children and young people with ongoing complex and severe needs, who are highly likely to meet our guidance for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment
  • children and young people who are in the process of undergoing an EHC Needs Assessment
  • children and young people with EHC Plans, where there is a significant change in their needs or circumstances

How are children referred to us?

In Central Bedfordshire, the educational psychology service can only be requested by schools.

School staff should always discuss concerns with parents first and only request for an educational psychologist to become involved with parental agreement.

SENCOs can arrange an educational psychology consultation by making direct contact with their school’s Link Educational Psychologist.

More information

Find out more about our educational psychology service in our SEND Local Offer.

For ongoing updates about our educational psychology service, please check our Central Essentials and SEND Essentials newsletters.