Skills for All Strategy

Welcome to our Skills for All Strategy, designed to support the lifelong learning needs of Central Bedfordshire's residents. This strategy aims to ensure everyone has access to high-quality education and the skills needed for personal, social, and economic success. Our vision is to build pathways for residents of all ages to thrive in an evolving workforce and contribute to the region's prosperity.

Our vision

We aim to create opportunities that allow every resident to succeed, through inclusive education that supports both current and future workforce needs. Whether you're just starting out or seeking to upskill later in life, our strategy is designed to provide support at every stage.

Key priorities

Our strategy is organised around four key priorities:

  1. Foundational: Enhancing early years provision and access to early years support in the community. Support providers of childcare and early years to raise standards and prepare children for school.

  2. Pathways to Achievement: Ensure structural changes to the Primary and Secondary school system in Central Bedfordshire are successfully completed. Improve educational outcomes at all key stages. Continue to support learners to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ensure high levels of attendance, reduce absenteeism, and minimise exclusions. Establish an agreed approach to supporting all our schools.

  3. Future Workforce: Support people to remain in Education, Employment or Training. Facilitate Post-16 access to Vocational & Technical Routes. Enhance All-Age Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance into priority sectors for Central Bedfordshire.

  4. Supporting Learners and Schools: Support governors, teachers, support staff, recruitment, and retention. Provide a clear approach to capital investment in Central Bedfordshire’s schools and learning infrastructure including SEND specialist places and a primary/secondary model of education.

A focus on fairness and inclusion

Our commitment to fairness, inclusion, and equity ensures that every resident—regardless of background or circumstances—can access learning and progression opportunities. We will work with a wide range of stakeholders and partners to ensure education is accessible to everyone and explore how we are shaping the future of learning and skills development in Central Bedfordshire.