Active lifestyles testimonials | Central Bedfordshire Council

Active lifestyles testimonials


Falls Programme

I was a bit reluctant to join this course after breaking my hip but my daughter persuaded me and I'm very glad she did!

I have to visit my elderly brother in Cornwall regularly. He lives a mile from the railway station up a very steep hill. I used to drive but since my fall I've had to go by train so the first time I tackled the hill it took me more than 30 minutes and I had to stop twice - luckily there was a bench. I did the same journey last week and the difference the course and Anna's hard work in helping the group, with very diverse abilities, has meant that I made it up that hill in 15 minutes without pausing for breath. As I go now I can hear Anna telling me to swing my arms etc. The difference is amazing! All of us have progressed.


Referral programme

When life is so busy that you forget to take care of yourself and then you wake up one day and decide to do something about it.

Since making the decision and speaking to you it has been one of my best decisions this year.

Realistic 10min walk every other day meant it did not feel like exercise but made sure I got movement in my day.

I am thoroughly enjoying the mix of sitting exercises and with the weather as it is still makes sure I am getting movement and it isn't taxing.

I do feel better and have even lost a little weight and feel much better in myself.


Walking Football Dunstable

I attend the Dunstable Walking Football sessions on a weekly basis and for me, in my late 60’s, I find it very enjoyable and valuable as a means of getting exercise and also for the social interaction with the other players. The sessions are well run by Russ our organiser and the matches are played in a friendly manner. All players have different footballing abilities but no-one worries what standard you are. It doesn’t even matter if you’ve never played football before. New players are welcomed and we try to make them feel comfortable and accepted in the group.

Peter Simms

Buggyfitness Potton

It’s hard getting back into exercise when you’ve had a baby and have a young family, and with so few options available where your child can come with you, buggyfitness has been wonderful. An opportunity to get active with an instructor who understands what your body has been through, connections with other mums who are going through the same highs and lows/ no judgement/pressure if you’re exhausted from the night before. Thank you Trudy.

Buggyfitness is a great way to get back into fitness after having a baby. Whatever stage you are at Trudy tailors the exercises for your comfort. It's such a relaxed class and Trudy is on hand to help with the babies so we can continue to exercise as much or as little as you feel without feeling any judgement – great for mental health! Thank you.

Walking Netball – Flitwick

I haven’t played netball since school and saw walking netball advertised on a Friday morning. Everyone that comes along can be assured of a wiggle and giggle. We’ve gone in for a couple of tournaments and entered these with the same wiggle and giggle attitude. Personally not only do I think my fitness has improved but I now have a whole new group of friends.

Paula Luck

Walking Football – Flitwick

I have been playing walking football for some 8 years now and I wish I had come to it sooner. Unexpectedly perhaps Walking Football is aerobic and the exercise is perfect for me with knees that have seen better days. I rarely miss a session each Tuesday and Thursday 1:30-3:00. Apart from this it is great fun. It is not taken seriously. Often one wonders what the score was at the end of each game! It doesn't matter. Our sessions are open to all ages, male and female. The younger ones certainly keep you on your toes. For men of a certain age i.e. over 70 it is a marvellous way to make new friends, discover new hobbies and enjoy reminiscing about the good old days over a cup of tea down at the Rufus Centre. I love it.

Les Ward

Buggyfitness – Biggleswade

I’ve been coming to buggyfitness after seeing an ad on a Facebook post since my baby was 9 weeks old. I had wanted to start being more active and as it was free me and a friend came along. That was almost 2 years ago now and I wouldn’t be without it. I was in a bad way with my mental health and every time I came I felt a bit lighter with more energy, not only that but this class has given me a love for exercise. Thanks to Trudy and her encouragement I’ve joined a local gym and feel fitter than I ever have, Buggyfitness is great.


Walking Netball – Dunstable

Since the WN started in Dunstable I really look forward to Fridays. The hour is fun, inclusive, friendly whilst moving at your own pace safely. There is a wide age range all at different levels, some more mobile than others and some coming back from injury but the most important thing is the group are enjoying playing netball.

Our leader is enthusiastic, an ex-player and current high level umpire that knows the rules in and out. Your safety is paramount. We start off with warm-up, some fun drills then game play. We do short games which allows water intake and a change of position if need be. The beauty of WN is it is played at a slower pace with an extra step allowed and 4 seconds with the ball which makes you think about your passes, space and opponent more. You will definitely get a workout though so don’t be deceived by the term walking, it’s great exercise.

If you’re thinking you would love to get back playing or start afresh WN will give you the opportunity to do this with like-minded others. Would totally recommend you giving it a go!

Siobhan Bennett