Definitive map

The definitive map and statement for Central Bedfordshire is our legal record of public rights of way.

The map shows the legal status and routes of public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic (BOATs). The definitive statement describes the route of each path, its position and width and any restrictions upon it.

The urban centres of Biggleswade and Dunstable were excluded from the initial 1951-2 survey of public rights of way, and so we have no record of what public rights may exist in this two areas. This does not prevent public rights from existing, as they may have been created in the past through legal processes or through long use by the public. We have started to investigate the two excluded areas and hope to add any unrecorded public rights that we find to the definitive map before 2018.

An indicative map of our path network can be viewed using our online mapping (link opens in new window) system. This is for personal reference use only, and is not a copy of the definitive map. It should not be used for conveyancing or other commercial purposes. The rights of way information will appear as you zoom into the map. Public footpaths are indicated by a pink line, public bridleways by a green line, and BOATs by a brown line. 

The definitive map and statement can be viewed between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday at Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ. Please email to arrange a viewing, but please book a week in advance.

Changing the definitive map and statement

We can only change the definitive map and statement by making and confirming a legal order. Definitive map modification orders are used to correct the map or statement where evidence shows an error exists. Public path orders are used to create, divert or extinguish a right of way.

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