Planned spending in 2025-2026

The table below shows the planned spending on the services Central Bedfordshire Council provides for you.

Planned spending in 2025-2026
Core Service Expenditure Expenditure £000's Income £000's Net Cost £000's
Children's Services (excl. schools) 121,070 (71,000) 50,070
Social Care, Health and Housing (excl. HRA*) 173,028 (65,839) 107,189
Place and Communities 96,652 (27,990) 68,662
Monitoring Office 10,021 (2,965) 7,056
Public Health 19,582 (19,582) (0)
Revenues and Benefits 46,932 (43,684) 3,248
Resources and Organisational Change (incl. Chief Exec.) 29,409 (11,373) 18,036
Finance, Internal Audit and Procurement 9,377 (3,011) 6,366
Corporate / Capital Financing Costs (incl. Contingency) 43,100 (16,059) 27,041
Total for Services 549,171 (261,503) 287,668
Town / Parish Precepts     18,108
Budget Requirement - Central Bedfordshire     305,776
Less: Retained Business Rates     (78,190)
Plus: Collection Fund Deficit     6,652
Less: Local Council Tax Support Reserve, 2nd Property Premium and Empty Homes Premium     (1,518)
Less: Renewable Energy (NDR)     (3,209)
Less: Town / Parish Precepts     (18,108)
Council Tax Requirement Central Bedfordshire     211,403
Core Service Expenditure
Core Service Expenditure Expenditure £000's Income £000's Net Cost £000's
* Schools (estimated - awaiting notification) 364,521 (364,521) -
* Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 40,830 (40,830) -

* Both the Housing Revenue Account and Schools are funded by separate grant monies that are managed outside the council’s general budget.