Marigold House Older Persons' Residential Home

What we are developing at Hockliffe Road

We are developing a new, modern, homely 63-bed residential care home in Leighton Buzzard, called Marigold House, located on the site of the old police station. Central Bedfordshire has an increasingly older population and some of our existing care homes are outdated, tired and do not meet modern living standards. A rolling programme of new care home building has now started and Marigold House will replace Westlands Older Persons’ Home when it closes in 2024, with all Westlands residents having the opportunity to relocate to the new older persons' residential care home when it opens.

Marigold House has been built to the Passivhaus standard, making it one of the most sustainable and energy-efficient homes with improved air quality and thermal comfort for the benefit of residents, staff and visitors.

Marigold House is run by Care is Central, a company that is wholly owned by the Council and established to provide high quality, good value care services for local people.

Here is a short video explaining our plans to replace our outdated existing care homes.

For more information, email