Tenant involvement

Tenant involvement schemes

We are looking for new tenants to join us on our new journey!

We are committed to listening to and working with our tenants and leaseholders, giving you a voice to influence the services and decisions made by the Housing Service. Help make a difference in your community and get involved! To be added to our tenant data base, register your details.

Register your details

Contact us at: involvementandengagement@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.

How to get involved?

As our tenant, there are lots of ways you can get involved and engage.

Our focus is respectful and helpful engagement, and we are currently looking for tenants to join us on our new and exciting journey, giving you more opportunities to have your say on how housing services are delivered to you and your neighbours.

You can be involved in estate walkabouts, tenant engagement events or become a member of our scrutiny panel. We want to start connecting with you more, and to do this we need to look at new ways to keep the communication and conversations flowing.

Small discussions and feedback involvement 

We often have individual topics that we want to chat with tenants about. These could be feedback on a survey, or anti-social behaviour in a particular area. Individual discussion group meetings can be one-offs or a couple of meetings over a short period of time and may include a short survey.

This is a popular option for those who can’t commit to a monthly group but would still like to take part in influencing the shape of our service and issues that matter to you.

If you are our tenant or leaseholder and would like to get involved and have your voice heard, please get in touch. We can add you to our engagement database and keep you updated with events that are taking place.

If you would like to be included on our tenant database, email: involvementandengagement@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.