Update personal information
Please note: We are in the process of updating our forms so you can directly apply online. While we have provided PDF forms below, please be aware that email is not secure. We suggest you make sure that any personal information sent via email is protected.
Complete the tenant information sheet to update your personal information, including new contact details and household information.
Update personal information (PDF)
Change of name request
Use this form if you want to change your name following a marriage, civil partnership, or change of name via deed poll.
Pet permission requests
Please complete this form to let us know what pets and how many pets you have.
Request permission to alter a council property
Before you make major alterations to your council home (kitchens, bathrooms, moving walls, and extensions, for example), you must request permission from us. This does not include decorating or minor updates. To make a request, email tenantalterationrequests@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.
Ending your tenancy
Make a request to end your tenancy (PDF)
Anti-social behaviour
Housing tenants: get anti-social behaviour advice
Private residents: how to report anti-social behaviour and nuisance
Request contact from your Neighbourhood Housing Officer
Email: neighbourhoodhousing@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Useful links
Other useful pages on our website:
- reporting a repair
- paying your rent
- mutual exchange and rightsizing
- rightsizing - have you got a spare bedroom and want to reduce bills? By moving to a smaller home, you could reduce bills and may even be eligible for our incentive. You can find out more on our rightsizing web pages or by emailing rightsizing@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
- report a death - Tell Us Once
- report tenancy fraud/subletting
- apply to rent a council garage
- Housing Matters - read news and information about your housing service