Housing policies

To view our housing policies and strategies please download the documents below:

Antisocial Behaviour Policy (Word) – This policy tells you how we define antisocial behaviour and hate crime. We explain what we want our services to achieve for people experiencing antisocial behaviour and the kind of service level and quality we aim to provide.

Asbestos Management Policy (PDF 326.7KB) – Currently under review. This explains the arrangements and procedures that the Housing Service will use to comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

Banning Order Policy (Word) – This policy sets out the circumstances in which we will pursue a banning order, what action we will take following a successful application and what action we will take following a breach of a banning order.

Central Bedfordshire Empty Homes strategy (PDF 1.6MB) – Currently under review. The aim of this strategy is to bring long-term empty homes back into use and tackle the various issues associated with long-term empty homes in the private sector, in a cost-effective manner.

Please note: This strategy is currently under review. Since the Empty Homes Strategy was approved and published, changes have taken place with respect to Council Tax charges and therefore you are encouraged to seek up to date advice from the Customer Accounts Team on 0300 300 8306.

Central Bedfordshire Council Housing Allocation Scheme (PDF) – The Allocation Scheme sets out in detail who is eligible and who qualifies for social housing in Central Bedfordshire; how applicants can apply for housing; how they are assessed and how properties are allocated.

Central Bedfordshire Council Housing Assistance Policy (PDF) – This policy sets out what assistance the Council is able to offer to support residents to live in decent and suitable properties for their needs. This includes disabled facilities, improving substandard homes and improving energy efficiency. This policy is currently under review.

Central Bedfordshire Park Home Site Licensing Fees Policy – Unless exempt, there is a requirement for site owners to ensure that their park home sites are licensed. This policy sets out how we calculate the fees for Initial Licence, Transfer/Amendment, Amendments for Site Expansion, and Annual Fees.

Damp and Mould Policy (Word) – This policy sets out our clear objectives in relation to how we deal with damp and mould, to ensure we adopt a zero-tolerance approach, enabling residents to live in homes which are free from serious hazards to their health and wellbeing.

Financial Penalty Policy (Word) - This policy explains the circumstances in which we will seek to impose a financial penalty for certain housing offences under the Housing Act 2004 as an alternative to prosecution. The procedure explains how the level of fine is decided.

Financial Remedies Compensation Guidance – Discretionary (Word) - This guidance summarises how the council will deal with financial remedies in Housing Service matters including paying discretionary compensation and financial payments.

Financial Remedies Compensation Guidance – Statutory (Word) – This guidance summarises how the council will deal with financial remedies in Housing Services matters. It sets out when we must pay compensation as a landlord.  

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Allocations Policy (PDF) – To provide a fair, transparent, and accountable method of allocating pitches on CBC owned Gypsy, Roma and Traveller sites.  

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, 2020 to 2025 (PDF) - This strategy sets out our ambitions to prevent and relieve homelessness in the local authority area.

Houses in Multiple Occupation Licensing Policy – This policy sets out how we will deliver the licensing function for Houses in Multiple Occupation in a fair, consistent and transparent way.

Housing Asset Management Strategy, 2023 to 2028 (PDF) – This document explains how we will maintain, improve, and develop council housing assets over the short, medium, and longer term.

Housing Enforcement Policy – Currently under review. This policy sets out the practical application of enforcement procedures that will be used to achieve statutory housing and environmental standards.

Leaseholder and Shared Ownership Management Policy (PDF) – This policy sets out the rights and responsibilities of both the leaseholder and the council in regard to the management of leasehold properties.

Let's Rent Offer (PDF 1.2MB) – Currently under review. The Let’s Rent housing option aims to enable households to have a choice of good quality, well managed private sector accommodation.

Local Welfare Provision Policy – This scheme supports the most vulnerable and deprived people within Central Bedfordshire. This scheme is applicable where there is no alternate way to prevent serious damage or serious risk to the health and safety of individuals and their households.

Policy to Discharge the Council’s Homeless Duty to a Suitable Private Sector Property (PDF 320.3KB)  – This policy sets out when private rented sector tenancies may be used in discharging any accommodation duty owed to those households accepted as homeless or threatened with homelessness by the Council.

Rent Arrears and Debt Recovery Policy and Procedure (Word) – To maximise revenue for the Housing Revenue Account through a culture of tenancy sustainment and by setting out fair, proportionate, and legally compliant debt collection practices across the Housing Service.

Rent Repayment Order Policy – This policy sets out our approach to meeting our duty to consider making an application for a Rent Repayment Order. For example when we become aware that a landlord has been convicted of a relevant offence.

Rogue Landlords Database Policy (PDF) – This policy sets out our approach to maintaining the content of the database, what criteria will be used to make decisions on adding entries and working with other local housing authorities to raise awareness of landlords on the database.

Tenancy Strategy (Word) – This sets out Central Bedfordshire’s vision for the way social housing providers in the local authority area should let their properties to meet the needs of residents.

Tenancy Sustainment Policy and Procedure (Word) – This policy sets out our aims to reduce tenancy breakdown through eviction, abandonment, and early termination. We are committed to collaborating with our tenants to sustain their tenancies.

Transitional Accommodation Placement Policy (PDF 482.5KB) – This document sets out our approach to the placement of households in transitional accommodation, both in and out of the Central Bedfordshire area.

Reports and information

Frequently Asked Questions about Fixed-term and Introductory Tenancies (PDF 45.9KB) 

HECA Update report 2015 – 17 (PDF 503.7KB)  outlines activity towards the original, 2013 HECA report action plan.

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Review  – The purpose of this review, produced in 2019, was to establish the extent of homelessness in the area, identify future trends and any gaps in the services currently being provided.

Homelessness Strategy Action Plan - This should be read in conjunction with the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, 2020 to 2025, above.