Alcohol and entertainment licensing

Personal licence

A personal licence is required by individuals making or authorising the sale or supply of alcohol. Not every person retailing alcohol at licensed premises needs to hold a personal licence, but every sale or supply of alcohol must be authorised by a personal licence holder.

You should get a personal licence from the council in the area where you live, not where you work or do business.

The Licensing Authority must grant an application for a personal licence if the criteria set down in the Act are satisfied.

Personal licences are portable from one premises to another. You can apply for a personal licence whether or not you have current employment or business interests which need a licence.


Since 1 April 2015, the requirement to renew a Personal Licence has been abolished. Licences once granted now last as long as they are required.

However, if you change your name, address or lose the licence, you'll need to apply for a replacement, enclosing the fee of £10.50.


New licence: £37

Licence in response to a change of name / address: £10.50

Replacement licence (after theft or loss): £10.50

How to apply

To apply for a personal licence you must supply:

  • an application form
  • a Disclosure of Criminal Convictions form
  • the correct fee
  • an accredited qualification (link opens in new window)
  • a Criminal Conviction Certificate or a Criminal Record Certificate. A Basic Disclosure Notice can be obtained online from the Criminal Records Bureau in Scotland (link opens in new window) or call 0870 609 6006 between 8am and 6pm. This should be dated within a month of the application.
  • 2 recent colour photographs (45 x 35mm) one of which should be endorsed as a true likeness by a solicitor or notary, a person of standing in the community or any individual with a professional qualification

Personal licence - application pack (PDF 246.7KB)

Personal licence - change of name / address (PDF 48.9KB)

Checklist (PDF 11.7KB)

Please return forms to:

Central Bedfordshire Council
Licensing Team
Thorn Turn
Grendall Lane
Houghton Regis

How to pay


You can pay online (link opens in new window) (please include your payment receipt when submitting your application).


Please make payable to 'Central Bedfordshire Council'.


Once the application has been received, on 0300 300 8307. Phone lines are open 9am to 12pm Monday to Friday.

Tacit consent

Tacit consent does not apply for this licence. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period, please email the licensing team at

Appeals and redress

Failed application redress

If an application for a licence is refused, the applicant can appeal to the Magistrate's Court within 21 days of notice of the decision.

Licence holder redress

Any licence holder who wishes to appeal against a condition attached to their licence, or revocation of the licence can appeal to the Magistrate's Court within 21 days of notice of the decision to attach the condition or revoke the licence, whichever the case may be.

Other redress

If your complaint relates to an existing licensed premises, or a premises is suspected of operating without the required permission, please contact our licensing team on 0300 300 8647 or by emailing