Fees for premises licences
The fee depends on the rateable value of the premises.
Rateable value of premises | Rateable value band | New application / variation fee | Annual fee |
No rateable value to £4,300 | A | £100 | £70 |
£4,301 to £33,000 | B | £190 | £180 |
£33,001 to £87,000 | C | £315 | £295 |
£87,001 to £125,000 | D | £450 | £320 |
£125,001 and above |
E | £635 | £350 |
In addition a multiplier will be applied to town and city centre pubs in Bands D and E.
Rateable value band | City / town centre pub application fee | City / town centre annual charge |
D (x2) | £900 | £640 |
E (x3) | £1,905 | £1,050 |
Other fees
Replacement premises licence or summary: £10.50
Provisional statement where a premises is being built: £195
Interim authority notice following death, etc. of licence holder: £23
Change of name or address: £10.50
Minor variation: £89
Vary the designated premises supervisor: £23
Transfer responsibility from DPS to management committee (where the premises already has a DPS): £23
Transfer of DPS on new applications or variations to add alcohol sales: Full new / variation fee (as above)
Transfer the premises licence: £23