Procurement and tender opportunities

How we buy services

We procure goods, services and works from many suppliers.

This can be low value, one-off procurement to multi-million pound contracts lasting several years, all of which must secure value for money for its stakeholders. Our procurement rules and the Public Contract Regulations govern how we undertake procurement.


We tend to procure through contracts that we have set up for our own use but might buy through framework agreements that have been set up by other public authorities or public sector consortiums.

We have links with other local councils, in particular those in Bedfordshire (Luton Borough Council and Bedfordshire Borough Council).

We are also part of the Central Buying Consortium.


In general, schools procure their own goods and services. However, schools are able to use corporate contracts where appropriate. Schools which are not academies must follow our Procurement Rules and are required to abide by Central Bedfordshire Council’s financial regulations for ordering and receipting works, goods & services in purchasing, tendering and contracting matters this applies for all procurements above £60k.