Drinking water - public supplies
Water authorities are responsible for the public water supply. There are two water authorities that provide water to Central Bedfordshire residents - Anglian Water and Affinity Water. The vast majority of properties in Central Bedfordshire receive their water from one of these two water authorities.
The water authorities regularly carry out tests to ensure that the public water supply meets the required standards. We obtain copies of these test results, and they are available through the water authorities website.
Check the water quality in your area
You can check the water quality by doing a post code search below:
Anglian Water water quality reports
Affinity Water water quality reports
If you suspect that there is a problem with your public supply, you should first contact your water supplier for them to investigate.
The contact details for Anglian Water and Affinity Water can be obtained using the links below:
Affinity Water contact details
When there are failures of any test, we are informed and consulted on the management of any particular problem.