Hours of work
As a general rule, where a neighbour (residential or commercial) can hear noise in their house, garden, or at their business premises, it is expected that works shall not take place outside the following hours:
- Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
- Saturdays, 8am to 1pm
- no working on Sundays or Public Holidays
There is scope for negotiation on these hours where there are particularly noise sensitive properties involved, or emergency or specialist work that has to be undertaken.
In areas which are predominantly commercial or industrial there may be advantages in working outside normal hours, whilst in mixed urban areas there will be a need to compromise.
Such works shall require prior approval from the council and will only be granted under exceptional circumstances.
All vehicles and plants arriving at and leaving the site shall comply with the same restrictions on hours. The main contractor shall be held responsible for informing all sub-contractors working on the site of the permitted hours of work.