Domestic nuisance - noise, smoke, DIY nuisance

Smoke nuisance


We have no specific by-laws that prohibit burning. Even though bonfires are not banned, they should be avoided to prevent smoke and pollutants.

Bonfires can be seen as an easy way of getting rid of garden rubbish, but are not environmentally friendly. Visit our composting page for greener ideas on how to dispose of your organic waste, or you can also take it to a Household Waste Recycling Centre (Tidy tip).

Bonfires cause smoke and they smell - people will find this irritating, particularly if they have any respiratory problems.

What is considered a statutory nuisance?

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA) it is an offence to cause a statutory nuisance. To be considered a statutory nuisance a bonfire would usually have to be a regular problem and interfering substantially with the wellbeing, comfort or enjoyment of your property.

‘One off’ fires that are very large, produce excessive amounts of smoke, and are left to burn for long periods of time may also be considered a statutory nuisance, if they cause a significant adverse impact to neighbouring properties.

Make a complaint

If you think a domestic bonfire is causing a nuisance, then fill in our online complaint form. Alternatively, contact us on 0300 300 8302 or email

If the bonfire issues are caused by a business or is on a commercial property, email or call 0300 300 8302.