School admission appeals

About school admission appeals

Your right to appeal

All parents have the right to appeal if they are not offered a place at their preferred school(s) that they would like their child to attend.

Guidance notes

We recommend that you download our guidance for parents (PDF) which explains how to appeal and how the appeal process works.

Who will deal with your appeal?

If your appeal is for a school in Central Bedfordshire, your appeal should be sent to our Education Appeals Clerk (find out how to contact our Education Appeals Clerk). This is regardless of the type of school is involved (there are several different types e.g. community, voluntary controlled, academy etc.)

Important deadlines

On-time transfer appeals for the secondary round

The published closing date for on-time intake or transfer appeals is Friday, 29 March 2024. Appeals received on or before this date will be heard within 40 school days of the published closing date.

Late transfer appeals for the secondary round

If you miss the published closing date, your appeal will be heard at a later date after appeals received on or before the deadline date.

On-time intake or transfer appeals for the middle and primary round

The published closing date for on-time intake or transfer appeals is Wednesday, 15 May 2024. Appeals received on or before this date will be heard within 40 school days.

Late intake or transfer appeals for the middle and primary round

If you miss the published closing date, your appeal will be heard at a later date after appeals received on or before the deadline date.

In-year (mid-year) appeals

All in-year appeal applications will be heard within 30 school days of the from receipt.

Please note – we aim to hear all appeals by the deadlines but it is subject to the availability of Panel Members. School days do not include weekends, INSET days, or school holidays.

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If you are appealing for place at a school located outside of Central Bedfordshire, please contact the relevant council.