Pre-application advice and the submission of minerals and waste planning applications
We strongly advise the use of a specialist agent and the use of our pre-application advice. Our pre-application advice service provides you with advice before you submit a planning application to assist you with its preparation.
Getting pre-application advice can:
- remove, as far as possible, uncertainties as to what is likely to be approved or rejected to reduce the risk of additional costs arising from failed applications or re-working of the application
- provide an understanding of how an application is likely to be judged against the policies in the development plan and other material considerations, also where an application is unlikely to be acceptable as a matter of principle
- identify where there is a need for specialist input such as that relating to traffic, noise, flooding, contaminated land landscape, trees, ecology and to anticipate other regulatory requirements
- accelerate the decision-making process following submission thereby helping to minimise subsequent costs and abortive applications
- promote higher quality development schemes in accordance with development plan policies
- reduce the need for further information or schemes to be submitted for approval under planning conditions attached to a permission
What we provide
In the majority of cases, the assigned officer will undertake a site visit.
Where a pre-application meeting has been requested, attendance by a specialist member of staff in addition to the lead case officer may be warranted where there a particular technical issue that needs to be discussed.
At the initial meeting, attendance by a second officer does not incur an additional charge.
Our written response to your enquiry, which will be considered against any subsequent planning application, will contain:
- a summary of consultee comments and consideration of any implications of the consultee advice
- a summary of relevant planning history and previous decisions
- advice on how local and national policies are likely to be applied to the proposal
- identification of actual or potential development constraints that may impose upon the proposed scheme
- informal comments and guidance, without prejudice, on the content, construction and presentation of the application
- advice on the documents to be submitted and procedures to be followed with your application
Central Bedfordshire
Request pre-application advice
Guidance notes (sites within Central Bedfordshire) (PDF)
Bedford Borough
- Pre-application advice application form (for sites within Bedford Borough) (PDF)
- Guidance notes (sites within Bedford Borough) (PDF)
Application forms and validation advice
Planning applications for new mineral permissions should be made directly to us.
Apply for planning permission for mineral extraction
It is not yet possible to submit these through the Planning Portal.
All other minerals and waste applications can be made through the Planning Portal (find out how to apply through the Planning Portal).
Corresponding validation checklists can be found below.
Please see the accompanying guidance (PDF 798.3KB) for clarification on the required content for planning applications in order to make them valid.
Application for full planning permission for waste facilities (including change of use)
Validation checklist (F1) (PDF 150KB)
Application for the variation or removal of conditions following the grant of planning permission for waste development
Validation checklist (M3) (PDF 150KB)
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use or development (minerals or waste development)
Validation checklist (C1) (PDF 147.3KB)
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use or development
Validation checklist (C2) (PDF 147.3KB)
Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development - excavation/waste material
Validation checklist (M10) (PDF 146.4KB)
Application for a non-material amendment to an existing planning permission (minerals or waste development)
Validation checklist (M8) (PDF 150.8KB)
Application for Approval of Details Reserved by a Condition
Discharge of Conditions should be submitted via the Planning Portal, rather than a letter.
You can also make an application for minerals and waste development in Bedford Borough.