Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) for Central Bedfordshire

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (PDF) was published in 2018 to support the Local Plan. However, it has now been updated (2024) to take account of the latest position for site allocations, infrastructure schemes and updated costs.

The IDP forms part of our adopted Local Plan evidence base and should be read alongside the draft Planning Obligations SPD.

The purpose of the IDP is to set out the infrastructure that is required to support the delivery of the allocated housing and employment growth through the Local Plan to 2035.

More specifically, the IDP:

  • determines the infrastructure need across Central Bedfordshire to support planned growth
  • estimates costs and identifies funding sources
  • identifies key bodies with responsibility for delivering infrastructure
  • informs future decision-making at the planning application stage for allocated sites

The IDP is a ‘live’ document and will continue to be updated as more information and details arise to ensure all the requirements are as up-to-date as possible.