Planning obligations

Spending and monitoring

Planning Officers are responsible for negotiating and securing Planning Obligations. They work closely with Spending Officers who assess the need for new infrastructure and services. Some Spending Officers are external to the council, such as the police, but the majority fall within our responsibility.

We have Monitoring Officers who record and monitor both financial and in-kind contributions to ensure Planning Obligations are delivered within the constraints of the agreements.

Monitoring reports

There are two S106 Monitoring reports, the S106 Contribution Secured report shows S106 contributions which have been secured in a S106 agreement but not yet received by Central Bedfordshire Council. The S106 Contribution Received report shows details of S106 contributions that have been received and the status of these contributions.

Within the S106 Contribution received report, there is a planning obligation table detailing the status of the planning obligation contribution that has been received.

The Spend State field shows the status of the S106 contribution:

Uncommitted means that the contribution has been received and provisionally allocated to a project but the project is not ready for delivery.

Committed means the funds have been allocated to a project that is now ready for delivery, the name of the project is shown in the ‘Project Spend Description’ field.

Town and parish Section 106 reports

View reports via "S106 - Contributions Secured" or "S106 - Contributions Received", below.

It is not possible to download these reports. If you require a copy of a report please contact

Town and parish councils

Town and parish councils can have access to a downloadable version of these reports via a secure link.

For any queries about this, please email

Guidance for assistive technology users

If you rely on a screen reader or keyboard-only access to a Power BI report, there are some keyboard shortcuts that are important to know:

  • If a Power BI report is embedded in an iframe on a website, use this keyboard shortcut after focusing on the report:
    Windows: Ctrl + Enter
    Mac: Command + Return
    Note: It may not be clear when you are focused on a report. If you navigate to the “Microsoft Power BI” link at the bottom of the report, you can then use the keyboard shortcuts
  • For a list of other available keyboard shortcuts, press ? (Shift + /)
  • To move between sections of the report, use this keyboard shortcut:
    Windows: Ctrl + F6
    Mac: Command + F6
  • After using the shortcut key above to land on a main section of the report, use the Tab key to navigate between controls within the section
  • To futher explore a section of the report after tabbing to it, enter focus mode using this keyboard shortcut:
    Windows: Alt + Shift + F11
    Mac: Option + Shift + F11
  • When in focus mode: 
    • move between pieces of the report using the Tab key or arrow keys
    • press the Enter key or Space bar to interact with elements, then the Tab key or arrow keys to move between elements
    • press the Esc key to stop interacting with elements
  • When in focus mode, Power BI presents a properly formatted data table that should be useful for screen reader exploration of the data in a given section of the report

Receipt of contributions and their intended use

Developers and landowners/applicants of planning permissions can submit revised schemes for development on the same piece of land. It is then up to the developer to decide which scheme they wish to implement. Each new revision will require them to enter into a new agreement or unilateral undertaking. We will only collect contributions secured from the schemes that are implemented.