Green Infrastructure (GI) is a planned and managed network of multifunctional green space which can provide a healthy and rich environment.
Green infrastructure assets include:
- allotments
- amenity space, including communal green spaces within housing areas
- green corridors, including hedgerows, ditches, disused railways and verges
- Brownfield and Greenfield sites
- urban parks and gardens
- registered commons and village and town greens
- children’s play space
- natural and semi-natural habitat for wildlife
- playing fields
- cemeteries
- pocket parks
- country parks
- woodland
- historic parks and gardens and historic landscapes
- nature reserves
- Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Scheduled Monuments
- locally designated heritage sites, including county wildlife sites
- waterways and waterbodies, including flooded quarries
- development sites with potential for open space and links
- land in agri-environmental management