Flooding and flood risk management

What to do in a flood

This explains who to contact when there is flooding:

  • danger to life: if the flood is posing a danger to life or injury, contact The Fire and Rescue Service on 999
  • floods caused by rivers/reservoirs: if a flood is caused by a main river or reservoir, contact The Environment Agency (0800 80 70 60 - lines are open 24 hours a day)
  • flooding caused by sewers, water mains or water drains: if the flood is caused by a sewer, a leak from a water main, or a household storm water drain contact your water company:
  • roads flooded: we (Central Bedfordshire Council) are responsible for flooding caused by a blockage in the roadside drainage. Report this online
  • flooding caused by an ordinary watercourse like a ditch, surface water or groundwater: email floodrisk@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk (this is not a 24 hour emergency contact email address). 

Contact about situations which may lead to flooding

You can contact us about a situation which you think will lead to flooding by emailing floodrisk@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk (this is not a 24 hour emergency contact email address). 

Protecting your property from flooding in an emergency

Our flood guide (PDF 899.2KB) offers advice on protecting your property and who to contact about flooding.

You can also find out  what to do before and after a flood from the Environment Agency.

What to do before, or when warned of flooding:

  • deploy flood defences (e.g. sandbags, door barriers) if you have any
  • move vehicles to a safe area
  • turn off the power (unless you have a pumped flood system)
  • close windows and doors if it is safe to do so
  • retreat to a safe place (such as the upper level of a building or a friend's house) and lock doors
  • move pets, items of value and your grab bag upstairs or raise off the floor
  • keep phones, chargers, bank cards, insurance details and house keys to hand
  • ensure neighbours know a flood is predicated/happening and help if possible

Sandbags and flood prevention products

How to use sandbags for flood defence (GOV.UK). If you have other flood defence products, please follow the manufacturer's instructions.

We (Central Bedfordshire Council) don't supply sandbags, but they can usually be obtained from local builders’ merchants, filled or empty, and you can store your own sand to fill when needed. A search online will show a number of suppliers of sandbags and other flood prevention products which may be more suitable.

Repairing your property after flooding

Download property owner flood damage repair guidance (PDF 64KB)

Download insurer and contractor flood damage repair guidance (PDF 75.2KB)