[REDIRECTED] Flooding and flood risk management

Flooding - reports and supporting documents

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On this page, you'll find reports and documents produced by our flood management team.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

You can now view our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF 2.2MB) online.

A Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) was undertaken as part of the development of the of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. For more information, please see the following reports:

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF 2.2MB)

SEA Environmental Report (PDF 1.5MB)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) volumes 1 and 2, including all mapping created for this process.

View files for SFRA volume 1

View files for SFRA volume 2

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA)

This assessment is used to identify areas that are at risk of significant flooding from surface water; these areas are called ‘Flood Risk Areas’ (FRAs). We must review the PFRA every 6 years under the requirements of the Flood Risk Regulations (2009). Criteria for identifying ‘Flood Risk Areas’ is set by DEFRA and changes with each review. We prepared our original PFRA in 2011, this was reviewed in line with revised criteria issued by DEFRA in 2017.

The PFRA reports are not intended to be used to identify individual properties that may be at risk of flooding or provide details of where and when flood risk management works will be undertaken, it should not be used for insurance or other valuation purposes. The criteria used to identify a Flood Risk Areas aims to identify some of the larger settlements in the country that may be at risk, meaning not all areas in Central Bedfordshire that are known to have been affected in the past by flooding have been identified. As the lead local flood authority, we're currently investigating a number of local flood incidents and will continue to address these through alternative duties and powers to the PFRA process.

For more information on PFRAs, visit the Environment Agency's website (link opens in new window).

2017 PFRA

We appointed JBA consultants to undertake the 2017 PFRA review using all relevant current flood risk data and information. One Flood Risk Area was identified in Central Bedfordshire.

We're awaiting further instruction from DEFRA with regards to producing ‘Flood Hazard and Risk Maps’ and a ‘Flood Risk Management Plan’ (FRMP) required for an FRA, as is required by the Flood Risk Regulations (2009).

The 2017 PFRA report can be accessed using the below links: 

2011 PFRA

We undertook the first PFRA in 2011 in partnership with the Internal Drainage Board, Milton Keynes Council and Bedford Borough Council. No Flood Risk Areas were identified as part of the 2011 exercise.

The 2011 PFRA report can be accessed using the below links: 

Local flood risk studies

Local flood risk studies have identified higher risk areas. These initial studies and their recommendations are at present subject to an on going review which will identify the next step. Updates will follow.

View flood risk studies (PDFs)

Flood Guide

Our Flood Guide (PDF) offers a range of steps to help you prepare, protect yourself and your property in the event of flooding.