Design Guide

Design Guide supplementary planning document (SPD)

What is the Design Guide SPD?

The Design Guide is an important planning policy document, that sets out the key principles and standards of design for all new developments in Central Bedfordshire. This document will help to ensure development is of the highest quality in line with national planning policy and our adopted Local Plan.

The Design Guide SPD was adopted on 1 August 2023 and it is a material consideration in determining planning applications. All development proposals will be required to demonstrate that they have taken it into consideration.

Why is the Design Guide supplementary planning document (SPD) required?

Policy HQ1 of the adopted Local Plan sets out the requirements for high quality design in Central Bedfordshire. National planning policy also places great emphasis on the need to deliver high quality new development and requires local authorities to have up to date design guidance in place.

The Design Guide SPD supports the Local Plan and provides more detailed guidance on how high quality design can be achieved. It will apply to all new development in Central Bedfordshire and anyone who applies for planning permission will need to demonstrate how they have taken the guidance into account.

What does the Design Guide supplementary planning document (SPD) include?

The Design Guide SPD sets out the key principles for creating well designed places. It contains information about the context and identity of Central Bedfordshire, including the natural and historic environment, and provides specific guidance for different types of development including homes, schools, and public spaces for example. It also covers topics such as designing streets to be safe and encourage sustainable movement, designing sustainable places that incorporate nature and climate change measures, as well as integrating public art for example. 
