Best Bar None awards scheme for pubs and bars

Best Bar None winners 2023

This was the sixth Best Bar None awards evening in Central Bedfordshire and the first since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The scheme raises standards by rewarding excellence through audits and an annual award scheme to promote responsible management and operation of alcohol-licensed premises.

Local pubs, bars and clubs entered themselves into an assessment process, which took place between September and December 2022, to meet the specific standards required by the scheme. All accredited venues received a plaque to display showing they are a Best Bar None accredited venue.

This year, we rolled out the scheme to the whole of Central Bedfordshire. In total, 13 venues were invited to attend and receive their accreditation, and the two category winners were announced.

The awards ceremony highlighted venues that have gone the extra mile to make Central Bedfordshire a safe and welcoming place for visitors.


The Stag, Leighton Buzzard, won the Assessors' Choice Award. This award was decided by the assessors based on the venue's preparation ahead of the assessment and engagement with the scheme.

The Overall Winner Award went to The Bell Inn, Woburn. This award is based on the highest score of all the assessments carried out across all accredited venues.