Short breaks for children and young people with SEND consultation

Co-production of the short breaks consultation

Consultation closed: Thursday 10 November 2022
Consultation opened: Thursday 1 September 2022

Since January 2019, we have been working with the six voluntary organisations on the future of non-residential grant funding. In January 2020 we met with them to update and discuss the proposal to consult ahead of developing this documentation. We also invited them to nominate three parents to review the draft consultation documentation.

Only SNOOSC, FUN and BDCPS nominated parents (10 in total) and the documentation was shared on 12 February 2020. Parents from the SNAP PCF Steering Group were also invited to review and feedback.

Unfortunately, shortly before the launch of this consultation back in 2020, the country went into lockdown and a decision to pause this work was made.

We have since gained further parent input, with documentation being shared with SNAP PCF management, CVS Bedfordshire and our officers from SEND, commissioning, project management, equalities and communications.

All feedback was considered, and documents were amended appropriately. Outside of our officers, we received feedback from one parent from FUN, and 3 parents from the SNAP PCF Steering Group.

View and download the full consultation document, including appendices (PDF)