Questions and answers about admission arrangements for Pix Brook Academy
When will the school admissions team confirm 2019 places to parents?
Our school admissions team cannot confirm places at Pix Brook until the Secretary of State signs the ongoing funding agreement with BEST. We are anticipating that this will happen in April 2019, ahead of 'offer day' (16 April).
As soon as the funding agreement has been signed, the we'll contact all Pix Brook Academy applicants to advise them and ask them to confirm their middle school preferences, so that applications can be processed accordingly.
If Pix Brook does not receive the required amount of applications for 2019, what will happen to those who have applied?
We'll monitor applications with the Department for Education (DfE). The school has up to 120 places for local children and we are confident that the school will have sufficient applications.
Will my child be sent to other middle schools in Central Bedfordshire?
No. With Pix Brook in place there are adequate year 5 school places locally to meet the demand. There are no plans to transport children by bus to other towns.
If spaces are allocated across Central Bedfordshire how do you envisage children being able to get to/from school?
We are not anticipating that children will need to attend schools in other towns.
Our Home to School Transport policy means only pupils living three miles or further from their catchment or nearest school, or where there is not a safe walking route, will be provided with transport.
Where will the year 5 and 6 pupils from the Etonbury catchment area who are attending Henlow Academy go after year 8?
Pix Brook is a year 5 to year 11 school and we'll work with the DfE to ensure places for Henlow Academy pupils in year 9.