Community Governance Review consultation

About the Community Governance Review consultation

Consultation closed: 5pm, 1 February 2018

Local authorities are required, by central government, to undertake a review of local governance arrangements every 10-15 years; this is a review of town and parish council arrangements. Since we have been formed, this will be its first full governance review. It needs to be completed by November 2018, which is before the next town and parish council elections.

Download consultation document (PDF 560.4KB)


This is your chance to have your say on how your local community is represented as part of the democratic process.

There will be two stages of consultation to the review; this is the first consultation stage.

At this stage, we are seeking your thoughts and feedback on the current arrangements. A report of the feedback will then be compiled and presented to the General Purposes Committee for its consideration. The second stage is a public consultation on the proposals for change.