Funding – Arts and Culture Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation
Consultation closed: 21 July 2024
Consultation opened: 29 April 2024
The cultural strategy will be funded through:
Funding from us
We support our arts and cultural activity and use it to access additional resources such as match-funding (e.g. from Arts Council England and government funding).
We commission a range of services. Arts and cultural activity can be used to deliver new solutions to cross-cutting challenges, particularly in health and in supporting children and families. This strategy will look to put more emphasis on joined up working across departments, services, and partnerships to deliver arts and cultural activity to achieve a variety of outcomes.
The Ward Councillors Grant Scheme can be applied for by community organisations to support arts and cultural activity.
Grant funding
Grant funding will be actively pursued by all partners in a coordinated manner via the Culture Hub to support the action plan and ensure that the strategy's objectives are met. This strategy provides evidence and direction to support funding applications.
UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF)
This has kickstarted arts and cultural activity that support the priorities and objectives of this strategy. The development of a community arts investment grant scheme will help support local community activity and future ambitions. Grants will be awarded to projects that support the priorities and aspirations outlined in the strategy.
Other funding sources will be required to maintain this grant scheme over the longer term.
Section 106 (S106) contributions
Section 106 money comes from contributions by developers to offset the impacts of development in a particular area. They are often referred to as developer contributions, planning obligations or "S106" obligations after Section 106 of the Planning Act.
S106 contributions are available to fund both public art and libraries as outlined within the Local Plan.
Contributions towards public art could support the provision of functional artwork, decorative artwork, installations or exhibitions, and experiences such as performances or workshops. There may be opportunities to seek S106 contributions for public art to support the objectives of the Arts and Culture Strategy.
Our new Library Service Strategy 2024 to 2029 provides a rationale and costings to request contributions to ensure that the library estate is appropriate to meet the needs of new development; contributions could support facilities that enable cultural activity.