Library Service Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation

Objectives – Library Service Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation

Consultation closed: 23 June 2024
Consultation opened: 29 April 2024

Eighteen objectives have been created to help us to achieve our 4 key priorities over the next 5 years.

Libraries as community hubs

Objective 1: Core offer

Deliver a wide-ranging core service offer in response to customer needs.

Objective 2: Signposting

Provide advice and guidance from knowledgeable, trained staff, signposting residents to a wide range of services.

Objective 3: Digital services

Provide advice and guidance from knowledgeable, trained staff, signposting residents to a wide range of services.

Objective 4: Customer satisfaction

Maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

Objective 5: Equality, diversity and inclusivity

Improve membership, particularly within geographical areas and key target groups with low levels of active members.

Objective 6: Partnerships

Increase partnerships with other council services and community partners to deliver new or improved services.

Libraries improving wellbeing

Objective 7: Reduce social isolation

Work with partners to increase engagement with people within libraries to reduce social isolation.

Objective 8: Events

Develop a thriving programme of events and activities which promote health and wellbeing and sustainable living.

Objective 9: Public health

Retain and expand Reading Well book collections as part of the Universal Public Library Health Offer.

Libraries as centres for learning and participation

Objective 10: Learning

Promote reading, literacy, creativity and learning for people of all ages and abilities.

Objective 11: Resources

Expand collections of books, e-books, and other material to meet community needs.

Objective 12: Volunteering

Increase the number of volunteering opportunities, volunteers and the number of volunteer hours.

Objective 13: Culture

Use libraries as venues to increase cultural and creative opportunities.

Objective 14: Schools

Continue to develop the offer for schools and strengthen partnerships between libraries and their local schools.

Objective 15: Social media

Develop our online and social media presence to promote the benefits of reading, learning and engagement.

High-quality library facilities

Objective 16: Co-location

Consider co-location and joint delivery of services in library buildings.

Objective 17: Sustainable growth

Plan for future library provision/expansion in line with housing growth and population increase, and improve the sustainability of library facilities.

Objective 18: Funding

Ensure new housing development contributes to the expansion and improvement of library facilities.