Library Service Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation

Response to growth and key priorities – Library Service Strategy 2024 to 2029 consultation

Consultation closed: 23 June 2024
Consultation opened: 29 April 2024

Responding to growth

The Central Bedfordshire Local Plan will see approximately 39,350 homes delivered over the period 2015 to 2035. This equates to a population growth of 19.5%.

The strategy considers the impact of housing growth and provides details of the potential improvements that might be required to meet local needs. It highlights the need to make sure that new developments make an appropriate scale of contribution towards the ongoing delivery and improvement of the library estate to meet and support Local Plan policies.

The strategy sets out our intention to seek Section 106 contributions (money from developers to offset the impact of development in a particular area) from all new developments of more than 50 houses. It also provides a rationale, formula and costings to inform our planning for the delivery of library provision and provide guidance to developers.

Key priorities

Four strategic priorities have emerged from our research which will help us to deliver our vision. The strategy was developed through a desktop and service review which included working with library staff to understand the current operation of the service, analysis of library information and data, and using knowledge of the wider library sector in the UK and elsewhere.

  • libraries as community hubs: Establishing libraries as community hubs at the heart of the local communities – delivering a range of council and community services
  • libraries improving wellbeing: Unlocking the full potential of libraries to support health and wellbeing and reduce social isolation through partnership working and activities
  • libraries as centres for learning and participation: Ensuring libraries remain key to improving reading, learning and lifelong education, and as venues for engagement and participation in a wide range of events and activities
  • high quality library facilities: Maintaining and developing the library estate to deliver high quality library facilities and services, and plan for future library provision in line with growth