Have your say on preferred destinations within the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs)

What we're consulting on – Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs)

Consultation closed: Thursday 14 December 2023
Consultation opened: Wednesday 1 November 2023

We took the first step in this process in 2022/23 when we held a series of successful engagement events with residents both online and in person. The public, businesses and other local stakeholders gave their views and shared local information to help inform the proposed networks. With the help of interactive maps, we were able to capture the comments on any element of the network where there were perceived issues, concerns or suggestions or ‘likes’.

For this stage, we’d like to know what you think about the proposed networks that will support walking, wheeling and cycling that will help you get to important local destinations in your towns.

Why we consulted

Your views are instrumental in shaping a network that reflects the diverse needs and desires of our residents. For instance, if we find that many of our residents would like to be able to cycle, walk or wheel to the train station or a local school, then that’s what we’ll prioritise.