Priorities survey

Where should the Council's priorities lie?

This survey closed at 9am on Monday, 4 September 2023

We have left the information below for reference.

Where should the Council's priorities lie?

We are looking to update our Strategic Plan, a document that shows what our key priorities are.

We want to know from you, what you think we should do more of, and what we should do less of.

We know from previous research with the public, there is high satisfaction with some of our services, but others where we need to improve!

The Council provides lots of different services and initiatives, some of which matter to most people (e.g. maintaining the roads and emptying the bins), but the Council also provides lots of support to vulnerable people that most people will not use but is still very important.

It’s vital we don’t just focus on just the now, but that we look to the future too. What we prioritise now will help set our area up to be a place where you can have the best possible quality of life and opportunity.

We want to hear your views about what the Council should focus on over the next few years.